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Seventh-day Adventist Church

2203 Strawberry Drive
Plant City, FL 33563
Click here for directions

Who are we?


We are a member of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church. Seventh-day Adventists are people who believe that the Bible is God's Word on life, belief, and worship. The Church is represented in over 200 countries, consisting of over 18 milllion baptized believers. It is the Church's mission to to make disciples of all people, communicating the everlasting gospel in the context of the three angels' messages ofRevelation 14:6-12, leading them to accept Jesus as personal Savior and unite with His remnant Church, discipling them to serve Him as Lord and preparing them for His soon return. For more about Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, click here.

The Mission of All Churches

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey all things I have commanded you. I am with you always, even to the end of the world." (Matthew 28:18-20)

Our Process (how we accomplish the mission): Plant. Grow. Reap.

  • Plant the gospel, through relationships and service.

  • Grow people, through worship and learning.

  • Reap disciples, through training and deploying planters.

Our Values

  • Love. 1 John 4:9. God is love. God is perfectly expressed in His Son, Jesus. His love is actualized in us by the Holy Spirit. We will love God in devotion and obedience. We will love others as ourselves being loving and self-sacrificing.

  • Spirituality. Matthew 11:28-30. Jesus invites people to be with Him, rest in Him, learn from Him, and follow after Him. He invites us to grow in Him through a variety of disciplines. We will seek Biblical ways to grow in and walk with Jesus as a church, as families, and as individuals

  • Mission. Matthew 28:18-20. We worship a God of mission. He is on mission all around us. We are called to join Him. Without mission, we are not a church. We serve to evangelize, and evangelize to serve. Go still means go!

  • Compassion. Luke 4:18-19. Jesus was filled with compassion actualized. He did not just feel sorry. He acted to make things right. We will serve people with compassion that stirs us to do something.

  • Faithfulness. James 1:16-18. God never changes. He is committed to us, proving this by sending His only Son to die for us. We will be committed to Him, to each other, and to His church, and will be faithful in following through on our commitments.

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